Empowering sales professionals to deliver remarkable, remote client engagement.

The Sales Counsel is a premier business offering exceptional outsourced sales training department services. With a solid track record, we provide extensive training and support for sales teams, both live and online. Our interactive training sessions are designed to keep the audience engaged and motivated, while our tools and templates offer valuable resources to maximise sales efforts.

Maximise performance with our blended approach

We understand the importance of effective sales training, and we are dedicated to providing top-notch services that will yield measurable results for your business. Trust us to provide engaging, comprehensive, and tailored training programmes that will help you take your sales efforts to the next level.
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Virtual Live Events

In broad, integrated programmes, each theme kicks off with a high-energy live event. A Subject Matter Expert (SME) delivers a presentation on the theme during this event. With the use of polling and chat, delegates actively participate throughout the session.

On-Demand Learning

In their time and at their pace, delegates work through the online learning material on the learning platform, e.g., videos, written material, and questionnaires. Knowledge and understanding are assessed with a quiz, providing immediate feedback.

Application Challenges

Learning requires context and therefore is most effective when practiced in-field. Upon completing the relevant online learning, delegates are challenged to implement their learning in their workplace. Each challenge includes guidelines, tools and deliverables. The submission of their activity deliverable allows for competency to be assessed.

Group Coaching

Coaching supports the application challenges. Each session is attended in smaller groups to promote active participation. Delegates come prepared to share progress regarding the application challenge. They may also raise or discuss other learnings or challenges.

Develop your
sales skills

Boost confidence, master online selling tools, smash targets. Learn the tools and strategies used by the world's top sales professionals. 


How our sales training benefits your team

  • Relevant insights
  • Just-in-time learning
  • Tailored content
  • Personal support
  • Expert coaching
  • Best practice templates
  • Mobile learning solutions
  • Highly interactive
  • Community support
  • Fun and engaging content
A blend of self-learning, peer-interaction, theory and practical
Our programmes incorporate up-to-date, science-based, field-tested and proven learning methodologies. Our facilitators use a blend of learning methodologies to rewire the students’ brains to ensure that new learning is embedded, retrieved, and practiced.
Implementation support with a customised experience
Our team of facilitators specialises in developing comprehensive content tailored to your business needs. We offer implementation support to ensure that the training program is successfully integrated into your organisation.

Your sales success story starts here

We have collaborated with a diverse range of industries across the globe, including both large corporations and small businesses, to assist sales teams in adapting to changing circumstances, gaining confidence, and becoming engaging online. Our expertise enables your team to masterfully apply virtual selling tools, equipping them with standout skills for remote sales success. 

Shelley Walters

With over 22 years of experience in B2B sales, Shelley has established a remarkable reputation for delivering exceptional sales performance.

As the CEO of The Sales Counsel, she pioneered Africa's first Remote Selling School, and was recognised when she won the Entrepreneur Category of the PWC Gender Mainstreaming Awards.

As an acclaimed Keynote Speaker and facilitator, Shelley will expertly guide you on your journey to sales success.
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2,345 students and counting

Shelley came highly recommended by one of our network’s consultants and we hired her to host the final session of our Coca-Cola Africa Marketing team building. My entire team and I were blown away by Shelley’s performance. She was exactly on brief, engaged, motivated the team and gave everything in our three hour session. Thank you Shelley for making our event special and landing the right messages with the team.

Anyone can be taught to deliver a good presentation, however what Shelley does with the course is more than just that. She has an exceptional set of skills which she uses when she facilitates the course on public speaking and presentation skills. Her method guarantees an interactive learning intervention where the trainee will walk away with not only the ability to present powerfully but increased confidence and understanding the principles and psychology of successful presenting.

Shelley recently trained the AccessKenya sales team. She presented us with a sales model that immediately registered a positive effect on how we engage with our clients and is already showing results. She is an enlightening trainer, well researched with a very relevant and practical approach to sales. I highly recommend her for any sales team that wants to stay relevant.